Web Application

I am currently using Asp.net and Asp.net Core framework to bulid interective Web apllications and API.

Desktop Application

Asp.net framework is technology to create great Desktop applications.

Graphics Design

Graphics design is not a profession, but more of a passion for me. I use Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.

UI/UX Design

Using Adobe Photoshop, I usually design website & android application mock-ups.

Programming Languages

C 75%
C++ 72%
Paython 55%
C# 70%
Java Script 50%

Tools Expertness

Asp.net 65%
Asp.net Core 75%
Entity framework Core 70%
Angular 60%


This was a passionate project for me and I had put a lot of effort to build it.
This a like a social media. Where everyone can create an account and ask his friend to rate him

Traffic Management Software

It is simple Traffic management system. Where police can create case, track his case.
And also offender can see the details of his case and get Email notification about his case

University Management Software

I had done this project during a course.
It is simple University management system.

Stock Management Software

This project was done in 2018.
This is a stock management system which can be applicable in various commercial sites.


+88 01815593582

